
Rock the Barn,  18-20 July 2025!

Pre-party and i intensive on the 17th!!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️ROCK THE BARN NEWS ⭐️⭐️⭐️


👉https://yggdrasil.dance/wcsumea/rtb2025 👈

This year we are adding extra bling to everything. It is actually our TENTH ANNIVERSARY (It is the 12th year, but we had two cancelled by Covid)

We will be holding the event the usual week:

July 17th to 20st, as always at Gräsmyr Loge, Västerbotten 🗓️

There will also be TWO intensive; One on the afternoon on Thursday the 17th an intensive and on on Friday, July 18th 🎈

We will be enjoying workshops during the day and social dancing all night long 💃🕺, have the opportunity to compete for WSDC points 🏆, all the while enjoying Northern Sweden at its most beautiful.

Rock the Barn is a social event, set in rural Gräsmyr, where we dance in two large barns, eat all our (home cooked) meals together 🍲, sleep either in tents/caravans in the campsite or accommodated in the nearby school 🏠. The nearest hotels are in Vännäs, about 20 km away, or Umeå, about 36 km away, which is why we recommend staying at or around the venue 🏡.


You can find more information about our teachers on the teachers page.

⭐️⭐️⭐️Preliminary Schedule⭐️⭐️⭐️

You can find our preliminary schedule on the schedule page.

⭐️⭐️⭐️Workshop levels⭐️⭐️⭐️

You will need to indicate your level according to the following:

Novice: You have been dancing for less than 2 years

Novice+: You have been dancing for more than 2 years or have points i WSCD Novice Level

Intermediate: You are competing in Intermediate level

Advanced: You are competing in Advanced level

All-Star: You are competing in All-star level

We are setting levels to handle the group sizes and to make the event more enjoyable for all participants. There will be an audition for higher levels on Saturday morning

⭐️⭐️⭐️Food options⭐️⭐️⭐️

You will need to pre-order your food. You can choose following options:

  • Dinner Thursday
  • Breakfast and lunch on Friday
  • Dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday
  • Dinner Friday + breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday&Sunday

Due to the large number of guests and that we always have homecooked food we can only accommodate the following options: Gluten Free, Lactose free, Vegetarian or Vegan food.

We cannot guarantee that the food is suitable for other types of intolerances or preferences, so if it is highly important for you, please arrange your own food.

If you want to fix your own food, there is a grocery store in the village, within walking distance (if you know someone with Swedish BankID you can shop there 24/7

See more: https://www.ica.se/butiker/nara/nordmaling/grasmyr-bensin–livs-1003872/tjanster/ica-togo/


Finally you will have to pre-book your accommodation. Camper, Tent, Sleeping at school or fixing you accommodation yourself (no accommodation)


This year is that you also can register for two extra intensives. These are extra intensives and you will register for them separate from the main event.

Thursday afternoon: Building Trust intensive with Sonya and Nelson.

Do you look at cool moves like the rides, monkey bars and leverage and think: Ahhh, these are just for advanced people!  Those variations are for people who have TRUST with their partner!!!  How do you build trust, first through correct body mechanics, then connection, then subtle human cues between partners.

Join Nelson and Sonya to learn how to build trust with different partners!

Friday: Where Form Meets Function with Zee and Dalena

Ever noticed how a great dance move can make you feel amazing? It’s not just in your head, looking better and feeling better are two sides of the same coin. This intensive will help you master smooth and effortless movement, confident posture, and radiate confidence; transforming not just how you look, but how you feel. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you dance good! Let’s swing our way to the next level!

Select the extra class when you register for the event.

Don’t miss out!! 😍😍😍
