Registration opens on Wednesday the 6th of March, at 8 PM (20:00 CET).
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Event passes and prices
Vi kommer att belöna dom 60 första anmälda med Early bird bonus.
We will reward the early registrators with the Early bird bonus.
We will also give our International guests an extra discount.
We are aiming for 300 participants and will give out 60 Swedish and 20 International Early Bird spots.
Pass | Price | |
Early bird Swedish: | 1600 sek | |
Regular Swedish: | 1800 sek | |
Early Bird International: | 1400 sek | |
Regular International: | 1600 sek |
Use this link to register for the event:
Intensive Class with PJ and price
Intensive Class with PJ – How to create a swingversation with communication of music and connection.
Pass | | Price |
Intensive (Sweden and International) | | 500 sek |
Use this link to register for the Intensive Class:
Payment rules
When registering for a course by West Coast Swing Umeå we apply the following payment rules:
To secure your place, you should pay for the ticket, at the latest 21 days after being accepted, or we reserve the right to remove your reservation and give it to someone else. If you have registered for a discounted ticket (i.e. “Early Bird”) your discount will be lost and you will need to pay full price.
We won’t do it automatically, so if you can’t participate we’d like you to tell us as soon as possible..
Refund policy:
- If you cancel before last payment day, you can get a 90% refund (we will keep 10% at least 100 SEK for Administration)
- If you cancel more thant 30 days before the event/course we will refund half the ticket.
- If you cancel less than 14 day prior to the start, you cannot get any money refunded.
- You always have the right to cancel a (late) registration/acceptance 14 days after you have gotten it.
In case of an accident or serious illness, we might grant exceptions to this if you can provide a medical certificate.
När du anmäler dig till en kurs eller ett event som anordnas av West Coast Swing Umeå gäller följande: inbetalning ska ske senast 21 dagar efter att du blivit accepterad till kursen, annars har vi rätt att ta bort din anmälan. Borttagande sker inte automatiskt och därför önskar vi att du, om du planerar att ej gå kursen, höra av dig och avanmäla dig så snart det går. Om du har anmält dig under en så kallad ”early bird”-rabatt, så faller den bort efter denna tid, och du får betala ordinarie pris.
- Om du avanmäler dig innan sista betalningsdag så får du tillbaka 90%. (vi behåller 10%, minst 100 kr i administrativ avgift)
- Om du avanmäler dig 30 dagar före kursstart/eventet så får du tillbaka 50% av avgiften.
- Om du avanmäler dig mindre än 14 dagar innan kursstart kan du inte räkna med att få tillbaka några pengar.
- Du har alltid rätt att tacka nej till en antagning inom 14 dagar.
Du kan också välja att ha kvar pengarna innestående om du planerat gå någon annan kurs inom ett år, då blir det inte någon administrativ avgift som dras bort.
Vid händelse av allvarlig sjukdom eller olycka så kan vi göra undantag mot uppvisande av läkarintyg.
Free Passes
If you have won a free pass at another event, please leave a comment in your registration. You will get an automated email with the regular price but we will adjust the price and send you a new confirmation.
In exchange for Judging, we will offer a 50% discount on the event pass for Advanced level dancers and free passes for All-Star level dancers. This should be agreed with the Event director.
Please note that we aim to maintain a good leader/follower balance for Rock the Barn. This means we can accept your registration right away if you register with a partner, but you may end up on a waiting list if you register alone. This also applies if you qualify for a free pass or discount.